Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Miro Tea: Earl Grey de la Creme

Steep time: 2-3 minutes

Ingredients: from website -Whole leaf black tea, vanilla, and bergamot flavor.

Aroma: Dry Tea smells like a creamy vanilla sugar and bergamot. Smells very very good, but we all know I am a little bias with my earl grey.... After a 3 minute steep it smelled like fresh earl grey tea, as it if were picked and mixed in front of me. The bergamot is strong, the vanilla even stronger. Bliss in a cup.

Packaging: Packaged in resealable aluminum bag, with a dome bottom making it easy to store as it stands on it's own. The aluminum leaves the inside of the bag dark, which makes for a great fresh bag.

Tea Leaf Quality: Large tea leaves, they look and feel high quality.

Taste:  Delicious. The vanilla is a perfect mate for the bergamot. These two flavors are in wedded bliss in my cup, I taste both, very clearly-which is important because sometimes with these two flavors one is muted. Not here, they are both in there and yelling my name .. yeah. There are a few types of bergamot flavoring I have had, anywhere from sweet to burnt, I would say this flavoring is perfect, it's fresh, and just sweet enough, but also just citrusy enough. YUM.

I added fat free french vanilla for fun - and boy was it fun.

Aroma 10/10
Packaging 10/10
Value: 10/10
Taste 10/10
Tea Quality 9/10

Overall 10/10
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