Monday, September 27, 2010

Bigelow Green Tea with pomegranate

Steep Time: 2-4 minutes.

Aroma, out of the packet the smell is more of a pomegranate lollipop than actual pomegranate. It's sweet, like too sweet. After steeping there really isn't an aroma unless you put your nose right over the cup.

Packaging, the tea bag is stored in aluminum, which I love. The actual tea bag is too waxy, I'm not sure if it's just the packet I got or if it's the norm. It isn't like the Earl Grey tea bags. It seems to be so waxy that there is a residue left on top of the tea after steeping.

Tea leaf quality, The tea itself is barely visible, it's more like tea powder or tea flakes than tea.

Taste, there isn't much of a taste. It doesn't taste like green tea or pomegranate, which is odd. It seems like they muted out both flavors to be able to mix them.

Overall I'm underwhelmed.

Switching to a 10 rating.

Aroma 3/10
Packaging 6/10
Price 9/10
Taste 4/10
Tea Quality 5/10
Overall 4/10 sold at most supermarkets. 

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